Transgender Genital Electrolysis Chicago Cost
Pre-operative hair removal is considered a medical necessity for most forms of (SRS/GRS/GCS) procedures. There’s a lot to learn about hair removal before starting treatment, and the more you know the more likely you are to hit your hair removal target before surgery.
The recommended time for Electrolysis pre-op preparation would be regular, committed clearing treatments for 18-24 months for optimum results. A bare minimum for surgery would be doing at least 4 to 6 full clearings spaced 2 months apart. The initial clearing can take up to 6+ hours on average. All electrolysis must be stopped at least 6 to 8 weeks before surgery. Different surgeons require different clearing patterns, so check with your doctor what they specify.
At Electrolysis 100% Permanent Hair Removal & Skin Care we developed an intensive program for the clearing of facial and genital areas that can speed up the process tremendously and solve the problem of transgender women who live far from a suitable electrologist. We can work this intensively because we use lidocaine injections to keep the pain under control.
Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Administrating Intravenous Hydration, Oral Sedation and Lidocaine Injection
Electrolysis + Local Lidocaine Injections + Oral Sedation & IV Hydration Cost:
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Visit our Electrolysis Pain Management page for more details and prices.
TG-Friendly by
Laura's Playground
American Electrology
Electrologists Association
of Illinois