Transgender Facial Electrolysis Chicago Cost
Facial hair growth on a woman, transgender or not, can be highly stigmatizing and very embarrassing. Electrolysis hair removal is the most reliable proven option available today to permanently remove transgender facial and genital hair. Laser hair removal can be an acceptable or even a preferable alternative in some cases, but the laser is usually not enough by itself to remove all transsexual facial hair permanently. Getting body and facial hair under control is critically important for trans women that want to go full-time.
You must find an electrologist who is capable of removing your facial hair with a minimum of treatment, but without causing unsightly scarring, pitting, or discoloration of the skin. Since the facial hair of the male beard is difficult to remove, trans women must seek an electrologist who is experienced with the removal of male hair. Preferably one who has worked extensively with trans women.
Board Certified Nurse Practitioner Administrating Intravenous Hydration, Oral Sedation and Lidocaine Injection
Electrolysis + Local Lidocaine Injections + Oral Sedation & IV Hydration Cost:
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TG-Friendly by
Laura's Playground
American Electrology
Electrologists Association
of Illinois